Sunday, June 29, 2008

As mentioned last night, Dave and I left at 7:20 a.m. this morning for the trip to Halifax to return Puss to Ginette. The two pictures show the kind of weather we had most of the way going up - foggy and rainy. But I think we left the rain in Halifax because coming back it was cloudy most of the time but the sun showed it's pretty little face a couple of times (sorry, no pictures). It was nice visiting with our wonderful daughter for a couple of hours but she had to return to Moncton and us to find a few strawberries...

And, we managed to find a very nice ''U-Pick'' strawberry field. We got a flat of 8 pints for $13. Not bad if I may say so myself. I've already put two cookie sheets full in the freezer to freeze them whole, then I will store them in freezer bags for making smoothies next winter... and strawberry pies. Tomorrow it's strawberry jam making day - wish me luck ! There is something sooooooo satisfying in getting the pantry ready for Winter.

The owners of the strawberry field also had a fruit stand across the road. Next to their stand was a few animals that customers can go and visit. I had so much fun petting the animals and playing with the dogs (especially the black lab).

Stay tuned... I will post pictures of my new quilt. Which by the way Barb, I LOVE VERY MUCH! More on this tomorrow...


COLLEEN said...

Those strawberries look sooooooooo good.

Barb said...

Love the pictures from your strawberry adventure. Coincidently I froze up "2" cookie sheets of strawberries on Sunday as well.
Glad you had a nice trip, enjoyed your visit with Ginette and are back home safe and sound.B

Shelby said...

As always, I love seeing your photos!

Vickie LeBlanc said...

Colleen and honeyb - thanks for dropping by and leaving comments.

Barb - I froze another cookie sheet full so I have 3 in total now so that will come in handy next winter.