Saturday, May 24, 2008


We have a full house this weekend and I can't tell you how much we are loving it !!!!! Dave and I met Meeko for the first time (Luc already met him when he visited in New Brunswick). Ginette and André (and Meeko) are visiting for two days from New Brunswick. They had a wedding today so Dave and I got to babysit since 2 p.m. today. He is such a good puppy and very smart considering he's only six months old. They taught him to jingle a bell that's hanging on the doornob when he needs to go out and he use's the bell everytime.

Happy dreams everyone !


COLLEEN said...

Wow, Meeko looks so big now!

Barb said...

That is one really cute puppy!!!

Vickie LeBlanc said...

Colleen and Barb - yes, it's amazing how much he's grown in six months. He is very cute !

Sebrina Wilson said...

Awww Meeko is so sweet :)

Shelby said...

I have become really fond of animals - as you know! What a cute dog!

Vickie LeBlanc said...

Sebrina and honeyb - thanks for the comment. My daughter will be so happy to hear that everyone finds Meeko cute.