Rhonda over at
Down to Earth has put out
a little plan for those of us that are interested in writing about our lives and talking about our simple lives. I think everyone has a story and something to share so here goes mine ...

My husband and I try and live life to its fullest - physically, mentally and spiritually (we are not supporters of organized religions). I find my strength and energy from Nature... I am my happiest when outside and in Nature. Our home is as far away from the city as possible. The closest city is 3 hours away (300km). We are so blessed to have our home on 3 acres in the country. We bought our home 30 years ago and we knew we wanted a home that would suit the lifestyle we had chosen - so we got a 200 year old farmhouse. We are so lucky - we live in the woods and we drive less then 5 minutes and we have the beautiful ocean to admire.

In the summer we grow our own organic veggies in raised beds. We compost organic scraps from the kitchen to eventually be used as fertilizer in our gardens. We also have raspberries, rhubarb, blueberries, cherries, a plum tree and a few apple trees. I cook from scratch most of the time, we try and eat very little processed food. I bake bread, make preserves for the winter months and we also make our own red wine (which by the way is very good). I am the only non-meat eater in the house. Cooking and baking make me very, very happy :-)

But most of all we like to call ourselves ''environmentalists''. Before I became an environmentalist I learned how to love Mother Nature then I became aware of the need I had to protect it. No one will protect and respect something they don't love. We are always finding ways to do our little part (remember every little bit helps) so those coming after us will have somewhat of a safe place to live. It's really scary when you seriously think about it.

We recylce, reuse and repurpose (hence my blog title).

In 7 years I will retire from my job at the university. My plan is to have a hobby-farm with chickens, sheeps, pig and a couple of barn cats.
I agree with Rhonda, this is a journey not a destination. My husband and I would'nt want this journey to turn into a destination - we don't want it to end ! This is the life we have chosen for ourselves. For those struggling to make the decision to life a simpler life - start slow, little baby steps. You know, as soon as you start you're living a Simple Life. But remember, you must find joy and pleasure in what you do !

Love to everyone !
Hi Vicki, I loved your story. It looks like you've set yourselves up well over there and are loving every minute of it. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Vicki,
Found you via Rhonda Jean, I'm another Aussie. Love your little piece of paradise, hope you keep having fun.
Rhonda Jean - thanks for leaving a comment. From now on, I want to leave more comments on your beautiful blog.
Tracie - wonderful, thank you very much for visiting and leaving a comment. I just briefly checked out your blog and it is definetely going into my favorites to read more over the weekend.
Enjoy your simple life !
What a beautiful story; very inspiring. Thank you so much for sharing it.
Love Colleen
Colleen - thank you very much for your kind words. I am so loving this simple lifestyle (and there is always room for improvement).
Hi Vicki , Enjoyed your story about your simple life. The front of your home is beautiful.
I will visit again soon.
~ Green Blessings ~ JoyceAnn
JoyceAnn - thank you so much for visiting and feel free to visit anytime... I love it. I will check your blog on the weekend.
Isn't blogging such a nice way to find like-minded people !
What a peaceful existence you describe. I'm jealous.
Barb - when i'm in my own little world (that's what I call our home)I am so at peace with myself. Sometimes it feels like a dream. But living a simple life doesn't mean everything comes easy to you. It's a lot of work but the rewards are huge and oh so satisfying.
Hi Vicki, loved this post! You might be surprised to hear that I actually work at a university myself - in the Civil & Environmental Engineering Department!
honeyb - nice to hear from you. Isn't that amazing how we both work at a university... it's a small world isn't it. I work in the President's office and it can get quite hectic at times but I love it.
Hi Vicki, found you via Rhonda Jean's but I'm a fellow Canuck (from Ontario). I completely agree that this is a journey and not a destination. And yes, it does take baby steps.
Hi Vickie
I loved reading your story and your veggie garden looks awesom. i am also an Aussie visiting via RJ :)
Found you from Down to Earth.
Enjoyed reading your blog, I'll be back.
Love Leanne NZ
Sounds like you have created your very own paradise in what looks like a beautiful part of the world. It was nice to read about your simple life.
Hello Vickie
Thanks for letting us into your private paradise.
I love the cottagey look of your front garden unfortunately for me Lupins are one thing that don't grow well in my garden.
Frenchy's is not a foreign word to me likewise life in your part of the world is a known as well - DH has family in the Valley at Berwick. We've visited there many times - Small world isn't it:)
Take care
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