Saturday, August 25, 2007

Getting things ready

With the days getting less daylight, mornings and evenings getting cooler, leaves falling - there's something in the air ! yes, it's my most favorite time of the year... Autumn. Dave and I are enjoying ourselves getting things ready for the winter season.

This afternoon we went to the beach to fetch a few buckets of seaweed to start feeding the veggie garden. We will need way more then a few buckets but everytime we go to the beach we'll bring back a bucket or two.

On our way out of the beach we noticed some very gorgeous rose hips. We picked just enough to make a batch of rose hip jelly.

Below - rose bushes where said rose hips were spotted and picked.

I also picked the scarlet runner beans. They will be put outside to dry for about a week.

And that is mostly what we did today - plus, hanging clothes outside to dry, getting visitors (my mom, sister Carol from Ontario, brother Chester and sister-in-law Annette).

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