Saturday, April 14, 2007

Masala chai

Tonight I will relax with a nice cup of homemade masala chai (Indian tea). A recipe that I have mastered after numerous 'not so famous' attempts. Ingredients in my chai recipe are cardomon pods, cloves, anise star, cinnemon and ginger. I don't usually put sugar in my regular tea but this one I do, I use natural cane sugar.

I also made a batch of natural organic yogourt. This yogourt machine I bought a few months ago has paid itself a few times. By making my own yogourt I know what's in it - only two ingredients; organic milk and culture. One batch makes 6 servings. My husband and I often have fruits in this delicious yogourt.

Our lovely neighbour, Louise, gave me this beautiful Willow figure yesterday when Dave and I dropped off her bingo cards. She is such a gentle soul. She said the small gesture was for all the times we bring her bingo cards and the few times a year we check her house and bring in her mail when she visits her daughter. It is not even the slight bother for us to do that for her.

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