Monday, October 13, 2008

Thankful weekend

Thanksgiving weekend has been wonderful, peaceful and relaxing. I enjoy Thanksgiving very much but I am thankful ALL year long for everything that goes on around here - the good things and the not so good things. As you may or may not know about me, I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason so those not so happy things that come by our home once in a while do happen for a reason and most of the time it all ends up in a ''happy'' thing.

Dave had kidney stones 13 years ago and last Thursday he experienced the same symptoms as he did way back then. We ended up going to the emergency room at the hospital but ended up coming back home after waiting five hours to see a doctor and being told it would probably be another 3-4 hours. While Dave was waiting to see a doctor I quickly slipped into the yarn store to buy the above pictured wool. It has since turned into a Christmas gift for someone that reads this blog.

Cranberries are very good for preventing kidney stones (it also has many more benefits) so cheers to Dave.
I love, love, love cranberry juice and Dave ''hates'' it but he's making an effort. Below - the kefir I made last week... excellent probiotics.

Next pictures were taken on Saturday and Sunday - no explanation needed !!!!!

Below - our beautiful tiny village of Meteghan Station. I've lived here all my life and I love everything about this village.

Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and that you all found what it was you're thankful for.