Friday, June 13, 2008

TGIF - New shades, a beer and supper

I love Fridays ! I love them as much as I love this tree outside my building at work. I should plant one of these, they're so beautiful.

I don't take a lot of pictures of myself but I wanted to show my new Frenchy's shades. They are darker then my previous ones; not so hard on the eyes. A total of 50 cents I paid for them. This picture was taken after work today on our back deck while Dave and I were each enjoying...

... a cold beer before supper.

I must tell you something my friends (yes, you are all my friends now). I made meatless chilli last night. It cooked in the slow-cooker all night. I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out or taste. I have tried meatless chilli before and it was just so, so. Not this one ! it was so, so GOOD! I had a small portion before my supper and I could have skipped on the salmon and salad and eat a bigger bowl of this. Of course I got the recipe from a blogger which I can't remember the link to her blog (I have it in my favorites at work). The chilli is called Three-bean veggie chilli. I love chilli but now that I don't eat meat I can never have any when I cook it for my boys. I will post the recipe on Monday.

Tonight's supper - salmon on the BBQ with a spinach salad with a homemade balsamic vinegrette.


COLLEEN said...

Gorgeous tree, I wonder what kind it is.

You are super cool in your new shades.

Can't wait for the chili recipe; I love chili, but the rest of my clan are not fans of it.

Is that oranges in your salad? Yum!

Vickie LeBlanc said...

Colleen - I don't know the name of that tree. We have a lot planted on campus. I should as around what kind it is.

I just love chili. This one has corn niblets and carrot in it so it makes it crunchy.

Yup, mandarin oranges in my sald and it's sooooo yummy.