Sunday, July 15, 2007

A park, the ocean and our backyard

Today Dave and I decided to leave our bikes behind and go for a drive at Ellenwood Provincial Park in Yarmouth County. We had sun with cloudy periods. It was very, very hot when the sun was out. Below, you'll notice Dave sitting in a shaded area at the picnic area of the park.

Immediately after Dave took this picture of the gorgeous butterfly.... it flew away (the butterfly, not Dave).

When we returned home from the park, we worked in the yard for a short while. This is a picture of my sexy gardener !

Wild rose bush and honeysuckle on the side of the house.

Daylilies and evening primrose all over the place.

When the yard work was done we headed out to the ocean. I picked some wild flowers to make a wreath.

We ended up on the Saulnierville Wharf. This little house belongs to a 'wharf wild cat'. The Clare SPCA have placed hundreds of these little houses on every wharf in the Clare area to house the wild cats that hang out at the wharfs.

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