Thursday, June 7, 2007

Uneventful Thursday

Two more pictures of our renovated bathroom. Below, our nice WHITE toilet. This picture is mostly to show the nice work Dave did with the flooring.

This is our second sink. The first one we had...Dave made the hole bigger then the sink. So back we went to the supply store to buy a bigger sink to fit said hole.

I don't usually cut the flowers in my gardens. I like leaving them in nature where they belong. But I just had to bring in a bunch of lilacs tonight - the smell is amazing !

Yellow day lily.

This year we've decided to try our hand at planting a few raspberry canes and blueberry bushes. We have a nice warm, sunny spot out back on our property for them.

More garden jewels.

And I leave you with the sunset we had tonight. One might say that we could have sun tomorrow...

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