Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Frenchy's hidden treasures

Last evening on my way to yoga class I just had to stop at Frenchy's for my daily "frenchy fix". Sure enough, I find these artist brushes for my husband, the budding artist Dave. All for $5. I did'nt count them but there must be around 20 brushes.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

What I am reading now

My latest read "A walk on the beach" by Joan Anderson is very good. I previously read two of Anderson's book - "A year by the sea" and "An unfinished marriage". All three are very good reads.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Raclette Night

We don't have them often but when we have raclette night it's fun for everyone. We enjoy this better then fondu but we like both. If you can't find the special Raclette cheese you can use swiss cheese instead. Some people use mozza cheese.


Frozen veggie gardens

Another beautiful sunny day. Looking at my veggie garden in the backyard, it's unbelievable to think that in 3 months I will be setting some selected seeds in the ground.